EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Asliddin NIZAMI (Nizamov), Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Department of Art Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Zarina Umarova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, art critic.
Technical editor: Hayotullo KHOLOV
Nizomi Mukhriddin - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor;
Azizi Farogat Abdukakhhorzoda - Doctor of Arts, Professor;
Kabilova Bahriniso Tuychievna - Doctor of Historical Sciences, art critic;
Ubaidulloev Nasrullo - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor;
Saidkarimov Bakhtiyor - candidate of historical sciences, art critic;
Hamidova Nargis - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Artists of Tajikistan, artist;
Salimzoda N.Yu - Doctor of Philology, Professor;
Odinazoda Bakhtiyor - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;
Rakhimzoda Karomatullo Samandar - candidate of art criticism, musicologist;